Saturday, March 3, 2018

Salsa Yukon's Spring 2018 Intermediate Salsa and Bachata Classes

Intermediate Salsa & Bachata

Wednesdays April 4, 11, 18, 25 and May 2, 9, 16 2018

7:45pm to 9pm

We invite you to bring your indoor shoes and your smile and come have some fun with us. We hold Masters degrees in Education and have over 20 years of teaching, dance and and performance experience! As an added bonus:

· Our approach is fun and person-centred

· We host Salsa and Bachata nights and Salsa Social for you guys to practice

· We encourage switching partners to promote communication & further learning

· We open our classes to couples or singles

* We strongly recommend you register ASAP because class sizes are limited!

These classes will all take place at Leaping Feats Pink studio, 38 Lewes Boulevard.

Sorry folks, you must register for the full session so there will be no drop-ins!

To register, please send your interac transfer to

$170 per person for 7 classes

And use the password salsayukon

We cannot wait to dance with you!

1 comment:

  1. Danke für diese Information. Sehr gute Post mit informativen Informationen.
    Tanzen ist Freizeit und Unterhaltung. Es schafft ein soziales Leben für uns, während wir die Möglichkeit Gewährung neue Freunde zu machen.
    Die meisten Salsa-Clubs bieten kostenlose Salsa-Tanzkurse für Menschen, die noch nie getanzt haben, und eine freie Klasse, die ist ein guter Weg, um die Umwelt zu erleben.
